
Thank you for joining us on the blog, designed to give everyone at Northview access to experiencing Northview40 together. We invite you to email us at Northview40@gmail.com and share your experiences throughout the 40 days. Your comments will be posted here as well as each day's prayer topic, corresponding Bible verses, and a suggestion each week for how we can fast together during this time. Your involvement will help make Northview40 a rich experience for all.

We hope that you will be encouraged to take your own steps toward a deeper connection with God, your goal being intimacy with Him, not just a "perfect prayer life" for several weeks. A wise woman has said, "No one of us would say we don't need God. But how much of what we do is done without Him?" Let's invest a few minutes each day to pray and a few more minutes once a week to fast, taking a risk to need Him and watching to see what He will do.



Today, talk to God about someone you have difficulty getting along with.


  1. 12. "What do you think?
    If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?
    13. And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
    14. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.
    Matthew 18, 12-14

    God loves everyone the same, no matter what we think about it!

  2. I think where I don't treat everyone the same is in the way I listen. I'm usually pretty good at being cordial or even being empathetic with people I agree with or befriend. But I really need to become empathetic with those that even annoy me. Who am I to even be annoyed by others? I think of myself as better than those, just because I don't see eye to eye with them; or they just get on my nerves. It really belittles others and is not the heart of God and the love of God that God would have me to show to others.

  3. I am realizing that I struggle most to love those that I feel obligated to love. I am praying that God would remove my sense of obligation and transform my heart.
